Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Zonolite" vermiculite insulation contains asbestos 保温蛭石受石棉污染



You may aware the news "Asbestos in the walls" published on the front-page of Richmond Review dated Jan 17, 2009. The loose-fill vermiculite insulation was widely used as attic insulation (rare in walls). Some old-timer houses built before 1980 still have the materials in their attic (like the granular materials in the photos).

The vermiculite is a heat-expanded mica mineral sold under brand name "Zonolite" (It may under other brand names in Canada). It were found contaminated with asbestos in the Libby mine, Montana, USA at 80's, then closed at 1990.

Asbestos is a mineral fiber. It may be found in plumbing insulation, siding and flooring of the property. The most presence of asbestos in a building is not hazardous, but damaged asbestos product may release asbestos fibers in the air and become a health hazard. It can be positively identified only with a special type of microscope. (Note: In 1876 asbestos was discovered in Thetford township, Quebec. Canada still have asbestos mining in Quebec, mainly for export. Asbestos Mining in Canada / Canada is 5th of the top 5 producers.)

In September 2008, the manufacturer W.R. Grace offered a $6.4M settlement to Canadians whose homes now sit contaminated with the Zonolite insulation. The deadline for filing a claim on that settlement ( is Aug. 31, 2009. So please check your attic isulation as soon as possible. Zonolite insulation may not be easy to recognize if it is covered with other types of more recently installed insulation material.

Furthermore, "Karstolite" is a brand name for the asbestos fibrous minerals insulation originating from the Karst Mine near Big Sky, Montana. The type of asbestos mined at the Karst Mine is called Anthophyllite. More details click here.

Related website:
Work Safe BC - The dangers of exposure to asbestos in vermiculite attic insulation Breakdown of asbestos management program exposes workers to asbestos fibres - WR Grace Reaches $140 Million Settlement in Zonolite Insulation Class Action
Asbestos Toxicity - 18 minutes video made by ATSDR
Asbestos can be found in this interactive diagram - HSE, UK
A short guide to managing asbestos in premises - HSE, UK
What is asbestos? - CMHC

What is asbestos? - CCSN
Health Risks of Asbestos - Health Canada
Asbestos in Your Home - EPA, USA
Asbestos Exposure and Your Health - ATSDR, USA
Asbestos Safety and Health Topics - OSHA, USA
Asbestos Identification in Buildings: How to find & identify asbestos-containing materials
Asbestos - CBC National / Vermiculite - CBC National
Vermiculite Attic Insulation

List of Asbestos Products

Mesothelioma in the Navy Jobs
2002/10/09 The Canadian Press - Asbestos mine faces bankruptcy
2007/11/07 CBC News - Quebec asbestos mining town 'severely contaminated': report
2010/01/29 MingPao - 逾百科學家聯署 函促魁省停石棉輸出
2010/11/28 The Canadian Press - Anti-asbestos delegation headed to Quebec to press Charest on mining issue
2010/11/29 MingPao - 亞洲代表團訪魁省 宣傳石棉危害健康
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2011/11/04 The Winsor Star - Asbestos a national shame
2012/01/10 World Journal - 毒石棉 驚現本拿比
2012/01/25 Sing Tao - 未防石棉害 僱主判監
2012/01/25 Vancouver Sun - Asbestos-removal contractor jailed 60 days for contempt
2012/02/29 Surrey Leader - Asbestos operators hit with WorkSafeBC penalties

2012/11/26 World Journal - 魁省石棉礦場 像火星
2016/12/15 CBC News - Full asbestos ban, changed codes and regulations expected by 2018
2016/12/16 SingTao - 關注公共健康 2018起禁用石棉
2017/01/07 Singtao - 聯邦2018年全面禁用石棉 百年石棉鎮轉型

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is living near power lines bad for your health? 在電纜附近居住 有害健康嗎?

卑斯疾病控制中心近期研究報告指出,高壓電纜發出的電磁波,証實與白血病(Leukemia)俗稱血癌有關。詳情請參閱2009/01/13世界日報中文報導:住家近高壓線 血癌風險高。為確保家人安全與健康,卑斯水電局有電磁波測量儀器供市民外借,請與水電局辦事處1-800-224-9376聯絡。

Dr Ray Copes, director of Environmental Health Services Division, BC Centre for Disease Control, has confirmed the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced by electrical appliances, electrical wiring, and power lines are associated with childhood leukemia. This is published on the November 2008 issue of BC Medical Journal.

Studies using magnetic field strength as an exposure measure have found that exposures greater than the range of 0.3 to 0.4 µT lead to a doubling risk of leukemia, with very little risk below this level. This exposure range is approximately equal to a distance of 60 m within a high-voltage power line of 500 kV. (Note: In 1999 BC Hydro study found no correlation between leukemia and nearness of distribution or transmission lines, nor magnetic or electric field exposure levels. )

Dr Copes concluded to eliminate the risk, one would need to achieve a separation distance of 600 m between every high voltage power line and the nearest residence. While this could be done, it would require substantial changes to existing land use patterns and would require significant resources.

For your safety concerns: BC Hydro is committed to the safe use of electricity. A "Magnetic Field Measurement Kit" is available for loan at some BC Hydro offices throughout the province. The kit includes a measurement machine, a video and several instruction booklets to assist with your readings. Call BC Hydro 1-800-BCHYDRO (1-800-224-9376) for your closest office.

More information :
Health Canada Electric and Magnetic Fields
BC Centre for Disease Control Non-Ionizing Radiation Issues
BC Hydro Electric and Magnetic Fields
USA NIEHS Electric & Magnetic Fields
WHO Electromagnetic fields

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