Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't Know Much About a Home Inspection? 不很了解房屋檢驗嗎?

Here are 6 Helpful Facts from Home Inspection News & Articles...
Fact #1 - A home inspector will pinpoint any current or potential problems, but will not fix them.
A home inspector will never fix any problems in a home. The inspector's only job is to diagnose any existing or potential problems and provide the buyers with a written report about those problems. Of course, the buyer can use this as a negotiation tool with the sellers, but shouldn't expect any repairs to be made by the home inspector.

Fact #2 - The home inspection will address only structural issues, not cosmetic ones.
When it comes to scrapes and scratches, buyers are on their own. These are considered cosmetic issues and not included with the home inspection. Offbeat paint colours, nicks in the wall and stained carpet, while visually unappealing, have nothing to do with the condition of the home.

Fact #3 - It is unethical for a seller to conceal any problems within the house.
Real estate professionals advise sellers not to try to conceal problems with the house. The ethical and legal thing is for them to let the buyer know about any structural problems. Plus, a home inspector will most likely uncover these problems when the inspection is done.

Fact #4 - Sellers should fix any major problems before a home inspection.
It is often a good idea for home sellers to fix any major problems before a house is put on the market. If they're left incomplete, it can lead to a negative home inspection and mean losing money on the home sale.

Fact #5 - The home inspection may not cover everything.
The scope and size of the home inspection depend on the type of contract the buyer has with the seller. A typical home inspection includes the structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing aspects of a house. There may be extra services provided as well, such as radon testing or mould detection.

Fact #6 - Everything should work as it was intended - everything doesn't have to be new and of the latest technology.
房屋與設施都應該操作正常 - 但都不必是全新和最新科技。
Inspection is to make sure that everything is in working order and doesn't require repairs. Of course, a home buyer would like everything new and up-to-date, but that isn't within the scope of a home inspector's job. The house just needs to be in sound condition and the age is not relevant unless the home is 100+ years old.

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